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Contact usHelp you sort out business processes, discover the pain points of Improving Efficiency & Reducing Costs", and tailor IT Transformation solutions
Front-line engineers efficiently deliver Software systems based on Industry-leading technologies, allowing you to spend your money wisely
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Web/JavaScript 全栈工程师、WebCell 开源前端框架作者,微软 MVP、fCC 全球百强志愿者,fCC 成都社区负责人、开源社理事。
Web/JavaScript 前端工程师、开源社正式成员
前端打杂,fCC 志愿者,关注开放式协作。
Java/Node.js 开发者,成都某些开发者社区打杂人
Web/JavaScript 全栈工程师、fCC 成都核心组织者、开源社志愿者
Deno 中文社区创始人、汉梦文化汉服社区联合创始人
Web/JavaScript 前端工程师,开源社优秀志愿者、TEDxChengdu 志愿者,FCC 成都社区核心组织者。
Python 工程师,熟悉OKR、精益创业和敏捷开发等技术方法,乐于沟通协调团队成员,促进理解用户需求,目前偏重于解决软件开发中“人”的问题
Web/JavaScript 全栈工程师,FCC 成都社区核心组织者。
Python后台工程师,FCC 成都社区核心组织者,摄影师。
A free alternative of, & Gitee reward, which builds Developer DAOs based on Git & GitHub, instead of confusing Block Chain technology.
Home PageCommon MobX abstract base Class & Decorator utilities for RESTful API, which makes it much easier to build Web apps, no matter it's a MPA, SPA, PWA, mini-apps or hybird-apps.
Home PageA React advanced components library based on TypeScript & Bootstrap, built by idea2app remote developers team.
Home PageLark project scaffold based on TypeScript, React, Next.js, Bootstrap & Workbox.
Home PageRESTful API service scaffold based on Node.js & TypeScript, which is a lite Back-end framework compared with Nest.js. And it can be deployed to Docker-compose-based clouds much more easier with GitHub actions.
Home PageReact project scaffold based on TypeScript, Next.js & Bootstrap
Home PageA super Table component suite for CRUD operation, which is based on MobX RESTful & React. Just define your Data structures & API routes, administrator pages will be built in minutes.
Home PageReact project scaffold based on TypeScript, MobX & Bootstrap, which is inspired by WebCell scaffold.
Home PageUnofficial TypeScript SDK for FeiShu/Lark API
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